With time, the system of construction changed. Nowadays, people want to make their structure attractive and complete it on time. Construction took a lot of time in the past, and sometimes, the historical places took many years. But now humans have introduced technology and machines that reduce the time limit. The effect of modern technology also occurs in the construction world. Now, buildings and other construction projects are completed with the help of technology. New technology reduces the risk of error. The 3D laser scanning services are one of them.
In this blog, we will discuss the use of 3-dimensional laser scanning in Architecture and all over the construction field, along with the advantages, limitations of its application, and future as well.
3D Laser Scan
Laser Scanning is a non-contact, non-destructive device that draws pictures of any physical objects on the computer screen. The material things are obvious and show all the edges on the computer screen. This technology is used in architecture and engineering as well. The first 3D laser scanner was invented in 1960. It was time-limited. People used this technology later, and scientists continually made changes. Now, we use the developed form of this technology.
3 Dimensional Laser Scanning in Architecture
In architecture, laser scanning is used to design projects, visit the sites, monitor them, and track the quality of the project. With the help of a 3D scanner, architects create effective and organized models, and it also helps them track project success.
Application of 3D Laser Scan
The application of laser scanning in the construction field is given below.
Use for Site mapping
The engineer use laser scanning services for the site mapping. 3D scanning accurately maps all the edges and angles of the construction.
Assurance of quality
The quality of the construction is essential. Engineers and builders always try to check the quality in every stage of construction. 3D scanners make this work easy. Engineers use this technology to ensure quality.
Draw the building
3D scanner draws the image of the building. So the construction team can easily track the process and see how the building looks at every point.
Track the record
This kind of laser scanning helps the project manager track the construction records. So, the project manager updates the construction status with the help of the following documents.
3D models
With the help of laser scanning, architects draw the model of a building or any other project. The 3D model shows all the corners and points of construction.
The procedure of Laser Scanning in Construction
The procedure consists of different stages. However, the details of these steps are given below.
Plan of scanning
In the first step, plan what you are going to scan. In this procedure, three key factors are considered. They include the scope of the scan, the area location, and the details of the scanning level. We also see the details of the equipment used during scanning. The third key factor of this laser scanning is handling the potential hazards according to the project needs.
In the next step, scan the data and upload the information. The scanning process depends on the information that is uploaded. In the first step, set the laser scanner toward the object. The scanner emits light and creates a graph of the things. Scan the needed area and repeat this process multiple times. The scanning process is repeated until you get accurate information.
Processing of 3D scanning
3D scanning involves cleaning up the data, registering the data, and creating a surface representation of the object. Before using this technology, it is advisable to clean the data. Because sometimes errors occur and providing results may not be accurate. If you want to register a 3D scanner multiple times. The image of every object is written according to the requirement.
Use of 3D laser scanner
The 3D laser scanning is used for multiple purposes. For example, we use it to measure objects, check the progress of projects, draw graphs, detection of errors, and make safety assessments.
Advantages of 3D Laser Scanner
The 3D scanner plays a vital role in the field of construction. Without a scanner, no structure is possible. There are a lot of benefits of 3D laser scanners that are given below.
1. Save the time
3D scanners capture much data, store information, analyze data, and give suggestions. So this becomes the reason for time-saving. Now, Architecture can save their time. They analyzed the projects in a short time.
2. Accuracy in measurement
3D laser Scanner captures the image of the object with all details and all corners of the thing. It shows a clear picture. So, the architects and engineers easily understand the measurement of material. It increases the accuracy of measurement procedures.
3. Authentic information
The measurement of the 3D scanner is correct and to the point. So the reconstruction team gets ethical information. Moreover, provide the complete details of the documentation. The document is clear and easily understandable, which helps the all team to follow.
4. Help in collaboration
Architecture makes graphs with the help of engineer collaboration. Using a 3D laser scanner, they quickly create a clear picture of projects. The easy picture of the projects helps the other construction team understand it and follow their duties.
5. Safety of workers
In traditional construction, people use tape and meters to measure the walls and other materials. In this procedure, the risk to the worker’s life increases. 3D scanners reduce this risk and secure the worker’s life.
6. Handle the budget
In the human measurement, the error chance increases. Wrong sizes become the reason for the uncontrolled budget. Using a 3D scanner allows you to control the project’s budget.
7. Decrease the human work
In the past, construction needed a lot of labor to complete work on time. In the past believed that more labor meant fast work. But now, this concept has changed. 3D laser scanners reduce the human creation. Currently, only need a little human labor in construction.
8. Multiple scanning
The best part of this laser scanning 3D modeling is that it can scan multiple times. The updated version of the 3D scanner creates numerous images of objects with one contact lens. Now only need to change Lenz for some things.
9. increase the quality of work
3D scanners improve the quality of work. The chance of error is reduced. It makes a clear picture of the project’s presentation.
10. Organized management works
With the help of a 3D scanner, the management team became organized, and the quality of work increased. The 3D shows the complete details of the projects that are easily understandable for the entire construction team. This creates the clarity. The owner of the contract easily tracks the team’s progress.
Limitation of Scanning
With a lot of advantages, there are some limitations of this technology. Some limitations are given below.
Need investment
The equipment used in the 3D laser Scanner needs a lot of investment. Their equipment is expensive and not easily available in the market.
Used in large-scale
The use of this technology is based on the large scale of the projects. People prefer something other than this technology in the residential area because their rates and machinery are very costly.
Issue of accuracy
The result of accuracy depends on the calibration and the system’s scanner. Only expert people know about this technology and their correct use.
The system of this technology is very complex and technical. So, the consultant hires those who know about this technology and use it—skills required to manage the scanning in construction.
Challenges of Scanning in Construction
It makes the construction easy, but the application needs some help. Here, we discuss some challenges that are faced during the application process.
Knowledge of process
The application of 3D scanners needs knowledge. This process is very straightforward and requires practice. Experts of 3D scanners practice this technology daily and before using any projects. The reason is the 3D scanner does not give the accurate result in the first attempt.
So, training workers need a lot of time and becomes a challenge.
Laser Scanning scope
Laser scanning works in a straight line. It makes the image of given data and instructions. It also creates duplicated copies of the data, but sometimes laser scanning creates extra and unnecessary data that disturbs the quality of work.
Weather effect
This type of laser scanning works in typical weather. Sometimes, using this technology in the field becomes difficult with the changing climate. This is a very tricky problem.
The cost of the 3D scanner is very expensive. Its machinery is also not available in the marker. When engineers face issues with using 3D scanners and want to buy parts of them, they wait a long time. In this case the time and money wasted.
Solutions of Laser Scanning in Construction
The application of a 3D laser is very tricky. Here, we suggest some solutions that increase its work.
Increase the Accuracy
The 3D scanner provides high accuracy in measurement. Now, many studies research the 3D scanner and suggest the different functions of the scanner. These studies help to improve the accuracy of measurement.
Reduce the price
The price of the 3D scanner is reasonable as compared to the past. Now, the government should reduce its cost. The reduction in price makes it easily accessible for low-budget projects.
Increase knowledge
A training section should be built. In the training section, labor and engineers learn about 3D scanners and their ability to use them.
Future of Laser Scanning in Construction
3D scanners make construction easy and increase the accuracy of measurement. Only sometimes issues in the application of the 3D scanner, but this issue will be solved. The future of 3D laser scanners is very bright because, in the end, no construction is possible without them.
Here, we discuss some future key factors of Laser Scanning.
Development in design
The future of architecture is very bright with the use of 3D scanners. Now, a 3D laser scanner is the bone of design. It increases the accuracy of the design development. In the future, 3D scanners will improve the quality of design and graphs.
Reduce the investment
The price of 3D scanners is very low compared to the past. In the future, we expect that its price become low and reduce the investment of construction projects.
Collaboration with Further Application
In the future, the 3D scanner will be attached to other applications to enhance accuracy. Now a day drones use for movie and picture capture. But in the future expect that drone is attached to the 3D scanner and used to measure the construction material.
In the final word, 3D laser scanning improves the work of Architcher in construction. Nowadays, construction is only possible with it. However, some issues are faced with the application of 3D scanners. We can solve this issue with time. The future of 3D scanners is very bright. As architecture is the bone of construction same 3D scanner becomes the bone of architecture.
Frequently Ask Question
1. What is a 3D laser scan in surveying?
A 3D laser scan survey is the process of capturing the image of any physical object. It provides a precise picture with details.
2. What is the role of 3D scanning in architecture?
3D scanners make architecture work efficiently and enhance accuracy. 3D scanners undoubtedly create the image of any building or project and show the details of every angle. So architects easily understand the structure and make graphs.
3. How to explain laser scanning in 3D modeling?
Laser scanning 3-dimensional modeling is the process of making an image of any three-dimensional physical object with laser light.
4. What is the limitation of a laser scanner?
The cost of a laser scanner is very high, and its process is also very tricky. So needs a lot of knowledge and investment to use this technology in construction.
5. What is the role of laser scanning in civil engineering?
The civil engineer uses a 3D laser scan to measure the road and identify the unequal place.